About Fabian Lopez

Before becoming a fitness, nutrition and life coach; I was a mechanic for three years. Unfortunately during the end of my third year of being a mechanic, I got into a car accident with injuries that landed me in a nine month physical therapy care plan. Towards the end of those nine months I had gained over 50lbs; overall I was physically, mentally, and emotionally in the worst shape of my life.

I reevaluated every detail of my life and those I surrounded myself with, from diving into extreme self care, to being vulnerable enough to receive mentorship. I invested and reinvented myself. This life changing experience guided me to the decision of getting certified in fitness, sports medicine, and nutrition. After achieving this accomplishment; I found that it just wasn’t enough. I wanted to help save my clients by helping them save themselves. Physical health is nothing without mental health so I decided to become a life coach.

It is impossible to build on a foundation made of sand. It’s imperative that we reprogram our minds to create the foundation that is necessary for us to create an overall healthier version of ourselves. This is especially crucial for those who have past injuries and muscle imbalances/compensations. This is the Foundation First Method.

My carefully built program puts things in a very simple way as it is specifically personalized to fit the needs of every client who is ready to reinvent themselves. My goal is to help you reach within and help you become the best possible version of yourselves; All I need in return is you’re 100% commitment, discipline, and effort.

Well, what are you waiting for? Book your consultation now!

